Course Brief

The "Professional Diploma in Full Stack Web Development" equips learners with comprehensive skills and knowledge to pursue rewarding careers in the dynamic field of web development. Graduates of this program will have abundant job prospects and a wide range of opportunities. They will be well-prepared to take on various job roles, such as Full Stack Web Developer, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer, and Application Developer, among others. With their newfound expertise, learners will have the capacity to produce enterprise level applications to optimise their business process and enhance the productivity, positioning themselves as valuable resources for organizations seeking high-calibre full-stack web development professionals.

The course comprises several modules that cover a wide array of topics. The User Interface Design module emphasizes essential skills in web design, front-end development tools, frameworks, and libraries. They will acquire the expertise to create visually appealing websites that deliver seamless experiences and optimize performance.

The Programming Fundamentals module provides a solid programming foundation by covering programming basics, object-oriented programming, and testing techniques. Learners will develop skills in writing efficient and well-documented code, enabling them to confidently tackle complex programming challenges. Emphasis is placed on coding practices that promote efficiency, maintainability, and scalability.

The Database Design principles module covers fundamentals and practical implementation of databases. Learners gain expertise in database design, normalization techniques, and both relational and NoSQL databases. They develop skills in testing, documentation, and constructing robust and efficient database systems.

The Web Development Design module equips learners with the essential skills for creating dynamic web applications. Learners gain expertise in SDLC & Technical Design, back-end development, MVC pattern implementation, CRUD application development using frameworks, and comprehensive testing and documentation. By mastering these skills, learners can design and develop robust web applications that meet industry standards.

The Enterprise Software Development module provides learners with the essential skills to develop and deploy enterprise-level software solutions. The topics covered include enterprise software development, designing software architecture, implementing business logic and integration, user interface development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. By mastering these skills, learners become proficient in creating and managing software applications that meet the demanding needs of enterprise environments.

The Gen AI Design & Development module represents an innovative approach to the convergence of artificial intelligence and web development. This course delves into the utilization of generative AI algorithms for crafting dynamic and interactive web applications. Learners will grasp the intricacies of leveraging generative AI models to produce content, design elements, and web-based AI applications. The module introduces fundamental principles and tools of Generative AI, with a special emphasis on Prompt Engineering and GitHub CoPilot to facilitate seamless AI interactions. Real-world case studies offer valuable insights into the transformative potential of Generative AI across diverse industries, providing learners with a deeper understanding of its practical implications.

Finally, the Capstone Project-Application Implementation module is the culmination of the Full Stack Web Development course. In this module, learners apply their acquired knowledge and skills to undertake a comprehensive application implementation project, by applying agile project management methodologies, to tackle real-world software implementation challenges in the field of full-stack web development with the aid of generative AI tools.

In summary, the "Professional Diploma in Full Stack Web Development" offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of full-stack web development in the ever-evolving IT landscape. Upon completion of this course, learners will possess the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the industry and contribute to the development of innovative web applications and enterprise software solutions.

Course Knowledge, Skills & Ability Summary

At the end of the course, you will be able to acquire the following:


  • Explain the agile project management concepts and principles in application design, development, and testing methodologies.
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of various program paradigms, software development life cycles, and testing methods.
  • Recognize UI/UX principles and develop customer-centric, and data-driven applications.
  • Articulate the use of design patterns, frameworks, and testing methods to ensure that the developed applications meet high standards of quality and reliability.
  • Demonstrate strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills to analyze complex situations, identify innovative solutions, and make informed decisions through Generative AI.


  • Develop interactive web applications using generative AI techniques, following agile project management principles to adapt to changing requirements and deliver value iteratively.
  • Incorporate generative AI algorithms seamlessly into data-driven enterprise software development projects.
  • Automate the design process and streamline web development workflows using generative AI, facilitating agile project management practices.
  • Choose suitable tools, techniques, design patterns, frameworks, and software methodologies to develop robust and efficient applications.
  • Execute appropriate testing methods, procedures, and tools to ensure the software"s quality and reliability.


Proficient in incorporating generative AI algorithms to automate design processes, improve user experiences, and develop innovative web applications featuring tailored content and efficient workflows in the development of data-driven enterprise applications.

Blended Learning Journey

(804 Hours)

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55 Hours

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Flipped Class

72 Hours

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Mentoring Support (Sync) (Assignment)

75 Hours

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Mentoring Support (Sync) (Project)

66 Hours

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Mentoring Support (Async)

112 Hours

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Additional Practice

420 Hours

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Summative Assessment

4 Hours

Module Summary

User Interface Design (Bundled) (SF)

Module Brief

 In the User Interface Design module, learners will acquire a deep understanding of user interface design principles, UI development tools, techniques, libraries, frameworks, single-page application development and testing. The instructional units equip them with the knowledge necessary to create interactive user interfaces and deliver seamless experiences. By engaging in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners develop a high level of proficiency in creating visually appealing websites that adhere to the best UI design principles, leveraging front-end tools, techniques, frameworks, and libraries.


The module project provides learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills in analysing business requirements and transforming them into visually appealing website designs. Their expertise in UI development tools, techniques, and responsive design allows them to apply the most effective UI design principles, resulting in the creation of responsive websites with interactive features that enhance user engagement. Additionally, graduates showcase their ability to optimize website performance for swift loading times and seamless navigation. In conclusion, learners acquire the ability to develop responsive websites that deliver optimal performance and an enhanced user experience, positioning themselves competitively in the field of front-end development.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Programming Fundamentals (Bundled)(SF)

Module Brief

The Programming Fundamentals module equips learners, regardless of their coding experience, with essential knowledge and skills to start their coding journey. This module provides a comprehensive understanding of programming concepts and techniques, encompassing programming languages, paradigms, and program execution. By establishing a solid foundation in programming principles and terminology, learners can grasp and analyse code effectively. By engaging in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners enhance their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, thereby improving their coding proficiency and enabling them to produce efficient and well-structured code.

The module project provides learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills into practice by constructing software components. This project serves as a platform for demonstrating their competence in analysing technical requirements and converting them into resilient designs. Leveraging their expertise in programming paradigms and languages, learners can implement software components based on the technical design. Additionally, they acquire the capability to ensure software quality through the utilization of diverse testing methods. In conclusion, learners acquire the capacity to produce well-structured code, apply object-oriented programming principles, conduct comprehensive testing, and proficiently document their code, establishing a solid foundation for their future programming ventures.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Database Design principles (Bundled) (SF)

Module Brief

The Database Design principles module equips learners with the expertise required to excel in various facets of database management. Through the instructional units, learners acquire a holistic comprehension of data organization, database design concepts, entity-relationship modelling, normalization techniques, data definition, retrieval, maintenance, testing, and documentation. By actively participating in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners develop proficiency in tasks such as planning database usage, creating conceptual, logical, and physical designs, optimizing queries and stored procedures, and conducting thorough testing and documentation. These skills enable learners to effectively communicate database schemas, entities, relationships, and data dictionaries, facilitating collaboration and ensuring smooth maintenance processes.

During the module project, learners demonstrate their ability to create an optimal database design for a consumer-centric Rich Internet Application. The project serves as a platform for showcasing their expertise in various areas, including requirements analysis, entity relationships and constraints, development of conceptual, logical, and physical designs, planning of database user groups aligned with business processes, writing optimized queries and stored procedures to meet management requirements, and conducting comprehensive testing to ensure accuracy, reliability, and performance. In summary, learners acquire the capability to develop efficient and effective databases for client-centric products, meeting industry demands for design optimization, query performance, and system reliability, thus staying competitive in the field of data modelling and design.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Web Development design (Bundled) (SF)

Module Brief

The Web Development design module equips learners with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of full-stack web development. The instructional units help them to gain a comprehensive understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), technical design principles, back-end development principles and techniques, design patterns, application development using frameworks, testing, and documentation. By engaging in practical exercises and hands-on activities, learners develop proficiency in back-end development using frameworks, expertise in creating modular and scalable web applications, testing methods, and effective documentation practices.

During the module project, learners demonstrate their ability to produce consumer-web applications that incorporate design patterns and database interaction. The project serves as a platform for showcasing their competence in technical design aligned business process, architecting solutions to address specific business problems, implementing appropriate design patterns with authentication and authorization, conducting unit testing and user acceptance testing to ensure compliance with business requirements and application quality. In summary, learners develop the skills necessary to pursue web developer roles and contribute to the development of scalable and dependable client-focused web applications that meet the demands of the industry.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Enterprise Software Development (Bundled) (SF)

Module Brief

In the Enterprise Software Development module, learners will acquire the essential knowledge and skills required to create enterprise-level applications that align with organizational requirements. Throughout this module, learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of key topics, including enterprise application architecture, implementation of business logic and integration techniques, user interface development, and the testing, deployment, and maintenance of enterprise software. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, learners will develop proficiency in building robust and scalable enterprise applications by leveraging design patterns, frameworks, and libraries.

The module project offers learners a platform to demonstrate their proficiency in enterprise application development, enabling them to make valuable contributions to organizational success and growth. By optimizing operations, streamlining processes, automating tasks, and improving efficiency, learners can enhance the overall effectiveness of organizations. These applications facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, ensuring data consistency, security, and accessibility. Additionally, enterprise application development fosters innovation, differentiation, and a competitive edge by integrating emerging technologies and providing unique functionalities. Ultimately, it empowers organizations to optimize operations, adapt to changing needs, and gain a sustainable advantage in the market.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Generative AI (Bundled) (SF)

Module Brief

The Gen AI Design & Development module offers AI application developers a comprehensive training program centered on harnessing AI technologies for enhanced productivity. Covering fundamental concepts of prompt design, participants learn to craft effective prompts for ChatGPT interactions, optimizing them to elicit desired responses efficiently. The course delves into GitHub Copilot, providing a deep dive into its capabilities and practical applications, including prompt-driven programming and business use cases. Through hands-on exercises with JavaScript and Python, participants gain proficiency in leveraging GitHub Copilot to expedite coding tasks.

Moreover, the curriculum introduces Microsoft Copilot Studio, focusing on its functionalities and integration into software development projects. Learners learn to enable seamless communication between applications and chatbots using APIs, unlocking the potential of Microsoft Copilot Studio in enhancing productivity. Through a combination of Flipped classes, assignments, and real-world case studies, this course equips learners with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to revolutionize their software development workflow, ultimately empowering them to leverage advanced prompt engineering techniques for maximum efficiency.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Agile Project Management

Module Brief

The Agile Management course offers a transformative experience, equipping businesses with essential skills and tools to thrive in today's dynamic environment. Participants gain proficiency in Agile principles, fostering adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Comprehensive Instructional Units shape agile leaders capable of navigating complexity, employing Scrum methodology, leading teams, and delivering value-driven outcomes. The Agile Management Capstone provides a framework for implementing agility in Business-as-Usual activities, ensuring efficient and customer-centric delivery while reducing risk.

Beginning with "Adapt to Complexity using Empiricism and Scrum," participants delve into core Agile Management principles, mastering complexity and Scrum. Subsequent units cover leadership, organizational agility, growth strategies, metrics, and creating an agile culture. Participants learn to create efficient workspaces, facilitate Scrum events, and plan releases predictably. "Build Effective Scrum Teams & Prioritize Valuable Business Outcomes" focuses on team dynamics and product backlog management.

"Conduct Effective Scrum Events for High Performing Teams" refines skills in sprint planning and daily scrum ceremonies. The core units conclude with "Implement Continuous Growth and Development," exploring the learning loop concept within the broader Agile ecosystem.

Completing the course, participants emerge as Agile Management champions, adept at navigating business complexities, optimizing outcomes, and propelling organizations toward sustainable success in an agile world.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: TGS-2024043439
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Capstone Project-Enterprise Software Implementation (Bundled) (SF)

Module Brief

The Capstone Project-Enterprise Software Implementation module marks the pinnacle of learners" progression in mastering the design and development of enterprise-level applications within the Professional Diploma in Full Stack Web development program. This module involves an extensive project that showcases learners" expertise in conceiving, creating, and deploying a practical enterprise software. The application aims to optimize business processes, unify data, and integrate disparate systems to create a cohesive environment that enhances organizational efficiency and productivity.  

The project begins with a thorough process of gathering and analyzing requirements, working closely with stakeholders to establish clear project objectives. Leveraging their strong foundation in enterprise architecture design, development, integration techniques, testing methodologies, and problem management principles, learners proceed with the development of front-end, middleware, and back-end components.

Throughout the project, learners conduct rigorous testing to ensure the quality of the application. They address any issues that arise and prioritize considerations such as scalability, security, and performance optimization. Only after thorough testing and issue resolution, the application is promoted to the production environment.

This module provides learners with the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in a practical setting, showcasing their ability to deliver a fully functional enterprise application that meets the identified requirements. By successfully completing this capstone project, learners demonstrate their readiness to enter the industry as competent professionals capable of designing, developing, and implementing enterprise software solutions.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: TGS-2023020490
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Target Audience & Prerequisite

Target Audience


  • Minimum Age: Minimum 21 years.
  • English Proficiency: Minimum IELTS 5.5 or its equivalent.
  • Academic Qualification: Minimum one credit in Nitech in STEM or its equivalent
  • Experience: Not Mandatory.

Graduation Requirements


Academic Qualification

  • Professional Diploma in Full Stack Web development awarded by Lithan Academy

Statement of Attainment

  • User Interface Design (Bundled) (SF)

    ICT-DES-3008-1.1: User interface design

  • ICT-DES-3007-1.1: User Experience Design

  • Programming Fundamentals (Bundled)(SF)

    ICT-DES-3005-1.1: Software Design

  • ICT-OUS-4011-1.1: Problem Management

  • Database Design principles (Bundled) (SF)

    ICT-DES-3001-1.1: Data Design

  • Web Development design (Bundled) (SF)

    ICT-DIT-3002-1.1: Applications Development

  • ICT-DIT-3017-1.1: Test Planning

    ICT-OUS-3001-1.1: Applications Support and Enhancement

  • Enterprise Software Development (Bundled) (SF)

    ICT-DES-4006-1.1: Solution Architecture

  • ICT-DES-4005-1.1: Software Design

    ICT-DIT-4003-1.1: Application Integration

  • Generative AI (Bundled) (SF)

    ICT-DIT-4002-1.1: Applications Development

  • Capstone Project-Enterprise Software Implementation (Bundled) (SF)

    ICT-PMT-4001-1.1: Business Needs Analysis

  • ICT-PMT-4026-1.1: Project Management

Industry Skills Certificate

  • No Industry Skills Certificate for this course

Other Information

Course Reference

  • SSG Course Reference No: TGS-2023019545

  • Course Validity Date: 2025-01-31

  • Course Developer : Lithan Academy

Pricing & Funding