Course Brief

The "Professional Diploma in Cloud Administration” provides learners with promising job prospects and opportunities. Upon completion, learners can pursue roles such as Systems Integrator, Cloud Engineer, or Cloud Solutions Architect in organizations leveraging cloud technologies. With comprehensive knowledge and skills, learners can confidently navigate the cloud administration landscape and contribute to the success of cloud-based initiatives in diverse industries.

The course consists of six modules that cover a wide range of topics essential for cloud administration. In the first module, "Cloud infrastructure & administration," learners will acquire foundational knowledge of cloud fundamentals, including administering identity and resources, virtual networking and traffic management, Azure storage and virtual machines, and PaaS compute options. They will also gain expertise in data protection and monitoring, enabling them to effectively manage and secure cloud environments.

In the second module, the "Maintain hybrid cloud systems" module focuses on integrating on-premises and cloud infrastructures. Learners will explore identity services and Azure AD integration, server management with Windows Admin Center, virtualization and Azure VM deployment, network infrastructure, and hybrid file server infrastructure. These skills are vital for maintaining efficient hybrid cloud systems.

Third module, "Configure advanced hybrid cloud systems," delves deeper into advanced configuration and management techniques. Learners will master integrated security solutions, high availability, disaster recovery, migration implementation, and operational monitoring in hybrid Windows Server environments. This knowledge enables them to optimize the performance, resilience, and security of hybrid cloud systems.

Fourth module, "Cloud virtual desktop" module focuses on Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) implementation and management. Learners will learn to plan and implement AVD infrastructure, manage access and security, set up user environments and apps, and monitor and maintain AVD infrastructure. These skills are vital for organizations seeking to provide secure and flexible virtual desktop solutions.

The fifth module, "Cloud security governance" explores critical aspects of cloud security. Learners will gain expertise in implementing identity management and authentication solutions, access management for both users and applications, and identity governance strategies. These skills are crucial for ensuring robust security and compliance in cloud environments.

Finally, the course concludes with the "Capstone project - IT Cloud administration" module. Learners will apply their knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course to develop a cloud adoption plan, leveraging their understanding of cloud infrastructure and administration, hybrid cloud systems maintenance, advanced hybrid cloud system configuration, cloud virtual desktop implementation, and cloud security and governance.

By completing the Professional Diploma in Cloud Administration, learners will be well-prepared to excel in various cloud administration roles, equipped with the necessary expertise to manage and optimize cloud infrastructures, maintain hybrid environments, implement virtual desktop solutions, and enforce robust cloud security measures.

Course Knowledge, Skills & Ability Summary

At the end of the course, you will be able to acquire the following:


  • Identify and apply cloud fundamentals, including identity and resource administration, virtual networking, and Azure storage.
  • Analyze and implement data protection and monitoring techniques to manage and secure cloud environments effectively.
  • Explore identity services, Azure AD integration, and server management for efficient integration of on-premises and cloud infrastructures.
  • Demonstrate mastery of advanced hybrid cloud configuration and management techniques, such as integrated security solutions and disaster recovery.
  • Gain expertise in implementing identity management, authentication solutions, and access management strategies for robust cloud security governance.


  • Administer cloud resources, including virtual machines, PaaS compute options, and network traffic management.
  • Monitor and ensure the availability, performance, and security of hybrid cloud systems and virtual desktop infrastructure.
  • Design and implement cloud adoption plans, considering cloud infrastructure, hybrid environments, and virtual desktop solutions.
  • Evaluate and enforce identity governance strategies to maintain compliance and security in cloud environments.
  • Collaborate effectively in the development and implementation of cloud-based initiatives, demonstrating strong teamwork and communication skills.


Strategically manage and optimize cloud infrastructures, maintain hybrid environments, implement secure virtual desktop solutions, and enforce robust cloud security measures, contributing to the success of cloud-based initiatives in diverse industries.

Blended Learning Journey

(483 Hours)

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36 Hours

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Flipped Class

75 Hours

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Mentoring Support (Sync) (Assignment)

75 Hours

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Mentoring Support (Sync) (Project)

75 Hours

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Mentoring Support (Async)

39 Hours

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Additional Practice

180 Hours

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Summative Assessment

3 Hours

Module Summary

WSQ Cloud Infrastructure and Administration (SF)

Module Brief

The" Cloud infrastructure & administration “learners module focuses on equipping learners with the essential knowledge and skills required for server installation and configuration. Throughout the module, learners will engage with a comprehensive range of instructional units (IUs) covering various aspects of server administration.

The IUs include Cloud Fundamentals, Administer Identity and Resources, Administer Virtual Networking and Traffic Management, Administer Azure Storage and Virtual Machines, Administer PaaS Compute Option, and Administer Data Protection & Monitoring. By completing these units, learners will gain a deep understanding of cloud computing principles, resource management, network optimization, storage administration, and data protection.

The module's projects are designed to consolidate and apply the acquired knowledge and skills. Learners will take on the responsibility of leading large-scale installation projects, encompassing the deployment, decommissioning, and coordination of multiple hardware and software components. Through these projects, learners will refine their ability to develop comprehensive deployment plans and execute them efficiently.

Upon successful completion of the Cloud infrastructure & administration module, learners will possess the expertise to prioritize and execute server installation projects effectively. They will demonstrate proficiency in designing and implementing deployment strategies, managing hardware and software components, and ensuring the smooth coordination of installation activities. The module will enable learners to contribute to the successful implementation of server infrastructure, supporting organizations in meeting their computing needs.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

WSQ Maintain hybrid cloud systems (SF)

Module Brief

The " Maintain hybrid cloud systems" module equips learners with essential knowledge and skills in administering servers using Windows Server technologies. The module comprises various learning units (IUs) that cover a range of topics, Identity Services and Azure AD Integration for Seamless Directory Services, Windows Server Management with Windows Admin Center in Hybrid Environments, Virtualization and Azure VM Deployment in Windows Server, Network, Infrastructure and Hybrid Networking in Windows Server, Storage Solutions and Hybrid File Server Infrastructure in Windows Server

Upon completion of the module, learners will gain the following learning outcomes and abilities, as demonstrated through the listed projects: The ability to lead large-scale installation projects involving the deployment, decommissioning, and coordination of multiple hardware and software deployment plans.

With a focus on Windows Server technologies, learners will develop proficiency in identity services and Azure AD integration, enabling them to ensure seamless directory services. They will also gain expertise in managing Windows Server using the Windows Admin Center, particularly in hybrid environments. Additionally, learners will acquire skills in virtualization and deploying Azure virtual machines within Windows Server. They will become adept in setting up network infrastructure and hybrid networking, as well as implementing storage solutions and hybrid file server infrastructure.

By combining theoretical knowledge with practical project experience, this module prepares learners to excel in administering servers and overseeing complex installation projects in diverse IT environments.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

WSQ Configure advanced hybrid cloud systems (SF)

Module Brief

The "Configure advanced hybrid cloud systems" module focuses on configuring and optimizing Windows Server in hybrid environments. It covers various learning units, including integrated security solutions, high availability and disaster recovery, hybrid recovery services and upgrade/migration, migration in hybrid scenarios, and server and operational monitoring.

By completing this module, learners will gain advanced skills in evaluating network requirements, designing, and implementing integrated security solutions, and configuring high availability mechanisms for Windows Server in hybrid environments. They will also learn how to implement hybrid recovery services, perform seamless upgrade/migration, and ensure data integrity during the process.

Learners will develop proficiency in planning and executing migrations in hybrid scenarios, considering factors such as minimal downtime and efficient data transfer. They will also acquire skills in implementing server and operational monitoring tools to optimize performance in hybrid Windows Server environments.

The module's projects provide practical experience to reinforce the acquired knowledge. Through these projects, learners will evaluate network requirements, develop configuration blueprints, assess capabilities, and establish optimization rules for software-defined infrastructure in dynamic environments.

Overall, the Configure advanced hybrid cloud systems module equips learners with the necessary skills to configure and optimize advanced server solutions in hybrid Windows Server environments. It enables them to meet organizational needs, enhance system efficiency, and ensure seamless operations in hybrid IT landscapes.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

WSQ Cloud virtual desktop (SF)

Module Brief

The " Cloud Virtual Desktop ” module imparts essential knowledge and skills to learners in effectively managing and optimizing cloud-based infrastructure using Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD).

Through the instructional units (IU), learners will gain expertise in various areas. They will learn to plan and implement AVD, understanding the key considerations and requirements for successful deployment. Learners will acquire hands-on experience in configuring and optimizing AVD infrastructure, ensuring it aligns with organizational needs. They will also develop proficiency in managing access, security, user environments, and applications within the AVD environment. Additionally, learners will learn to monitor and maintain AVD infrastructure, ensuring its performance, reliability, and scalability.

The module's projects enable learners to apply their knowledge and skills in practical scenarios. By developing and implementing a strategic IT infrastructure plan, learners will oversee and synchronize the performance of infrastructure elements. They will ensure smooth operations and optimal resource utilization. Ultimately, learners will gain practical experience in cloud administration, empowering them to contribute to the successful management of cloud-based infrastructure.

In conclusion, the "Cloud Virtual Desktop" module prepares learners for cloud administration roles, equipping them with competencies to support the development and optimization of strategic IT infrastructures in a dynamic cloud environment.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

WSQ Cloud security governance (SF)

Module Brief

The " Cloud security governance” module provides learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to administer and manage security programs effectively. It covers instructional units focused on implementing identity management, authentication solutions, access management, access management for apps, and identity governance strategies.

Learners will gain expertise in implementing identity management solutions, including establishing user identities, roles, and permissions. They will also learn to implement secure authentication methods and protocols. Additionally, learners will acquire the skills to manage user access to systems and applications through access management solutions. They will explore securing application access for internal and external users as part of the access management for apps unit. Lastly, learners will understand how to plan and implement identity governance strategies to ensure proper management of user identities and access rights.

The module's projects provide practical application opportunities. Learners will plan the administration and technical operationalization of security programs, considering organizational requirements and risks. They will also develop skills to investigate security breaches in information, system, and network access, enabling effective response and mitigation.

Completing the Cloud security governance module will enable learners to plan, implement, and manage comprehensive security programs. They will protect organizational assets, maintain confidentiality, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

WSQ Capstone project - IT Cloud administration (SF)

Module Brief

The "Capstone project - IT Cloud administration" module equips learners with comprehensive knowledge and skills in various areas of IT Cloud administration. They will develop a cloud adoption plan and gain expertise in Cloud Infrastructure and Administration, maintaining hybrid cloud systems, configuring advanced hybrid cloud systems, implementing and deploying cloud virtual desktop, and ensuring cloud security and governance.

Through practical projects, learners will apply their knowledge and skills in planning and driving medium-scale projects, allocating resources, engaging stakeholders, and implementing problem management processes, guidelines, and technologies. This module fosters the ability to effectively plan and execute projects, ensuring successful IT Cloud administration initiatives.

Upon completion, learners will have valuable outcomes and abilities, including the skills to plan and drive projects, allocate resources efficiently, and engage stakeholders effectively. They will implement problem management processes, guidelines, and technologies for smooth IT Cloud administration operations. These skills enable learners to contribute to the success of cloud-based initiatives and make informed decisions in complex IT environments.

By combining theory and practical application, this module empowers learners to excel in IT Cloud administration and become valuable assets in organizations utilizing cloud technologies. effectively.

Other Information
  • SSG Module Reference No: NA
  • Module Validity Date: 2025-01-31

Target Audience & Prerequisite

Target Audience


  • Minimum Age: Minimum 21 years.
  • English Proficiency: Minimum IELTS 5.5 or its equivalent.
  • Academic Qualification: Minimum one credit in N Level or its equivalent.
  • Experience: Minimum 1-year experience in IT support

Graduation Requirements


Academic Qualification

  • WSQ Diploma in Infocomm Technology (Support) awarded by SSG

Statement of Attainment

  • WSQ Cloud Infrastructure and Administration (SF)

    ICT-DIT-4008-1.1: Infrastructure Deployment

  • WSQ Maintain hybrid cloud systems (SF)

    ICT-DIT-4016-1.1: System Integration

  • WSQ Configure advanced hybrid cloud systems (SF)

    ICT-OUS-3009-1.1: Network Administration and Maintenance

  • ICT-DIT-4009-1.1: Network Configuration

  • WSQ Cloud virtual desktop (SF)

    ICT-SNA-4013-1.1: Infrastructure Strategy

  • WSQ Cloud security governance (SF)

    ICT-OUS-4012-1.1: Security Administration

  • WSQ Capstone project - IT Cloud administration (SF)

    ICT-PMT-4026-1.1: Project Management

  • ICT-OUS-4011-1.1: Problem Management

Industry Skills Certificate

  • WSQ Cloud Infrastructure and Administration (SF)

    Microsoft : AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator

  • WSQ Maintain hybrid cloud systems (SF)

    Microsoft : AZ-800: Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure

  • WSQ Configure advanced hybrid cloud systems (SF)

    Microsoft : AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services

  • WSQ Cloud virtual desktop (SF)

    Microsoft : AZ-140: Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop

  • WSQ Cloud security governance (SF)

    Microsoft : SC-300: Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator

*Taking this certification is not mandatory. However, if the learner wishes to pursue it, they need to register for the examination after applying the necessary fees wherever it is applicable. Please note some certification is free. You can find out from the respective website about this info.

Other Information

Course Reference

  • SSG Course Reference No: TGS-2019503382

  • Course Validity Date: 2025-01-31

  • Course Developer : Lithan Academy

Pricing & Funding